By Clancy Cross

Are joy and happiness two words for the same thing?  We tend to use these words interchangeably, yet they are different in significant ways.  Happiness is a good feeling that rises and falls in response to events and occurrences.  In this way, happiness is a relatively short-term emotional state based on personal gratification—how these events make us feel.  Other events drive away happiness, making happiness a volatile emotion.  Whatever makes us feel good brings happiness.  What makes us feel bad produces sadness.

Happiness is finding a pencil.
Pizza with sausage.
Telling the time.
Happiness is learning to whistle.
Tying your shoe for the very first time.
– Excerpt from the song “Happiness” by Clark Gesner, from You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, 1967.

Joy is linked to our personal relationships rather than events.  Compared with happiness, joy can be stronger, more enduring, and more stable.  Joy…

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