Ontario’s Radical Sex Ed Curriculum

CLC has studied the 2015 proposed curriculum and we have found that the controversial elements of the program that angered parents in 2010 have remained unchanged, word for word, at the same age-inappropriate grade levels as before, when it was written under the direction of confessed child pornographer Benjamin Levin, then Deputy Education Minister.  The only difference now is that Kathleen Wynne has made the curriculum even more explicit and more age-inappropriate than before, dramatically increasing the mentions of “Gender Identity” theory, sexual “identities” and “orientations”.  

Now that the Ontario Liberal Party has a majority in government and no election is in sight, Premier Kathleen Wynne has “coincidentally” announced that in the fall of 2015, she will reintroduce the graphic Sex Ed Curriculum that had outraged parents in 2010.

Back then, parents and religious leaders came out angrily against Liberal plans to teach early grades about age-inappropriate topics like masturbation, anal intercourse, oral sex, vaginal lubrication, and the idea that being male or female is merely a “social construct”. So strong was the backlash that McGuinty “shelved” the curriculum after only 3 days of public outcry.

At the time, CLC warned that the curriculum was only “temporarily” shelved and would return. Kathleen Wynne proved us right by putting this at the top of her agenda at a time when it cannot hurt her at the voting booth. She announced the reintroduction in October 2014, but refused to let the public see the document for months. She even held a farcical “public consultation” in which hand-picked parents were invited to give feedback on the curriculum – without actually being allowed to see the “new” curriculum.

Months of parental protests against the curriculum, across the province, have ensued. The September implementation of the new curriculum is around the corner, and parental opposition is growing rapidly. In the meantime, Premier Wynne continues to obstinately ignore the voices of parents who are demanding a repeal of the curriculum and that the government start over with a legitimate consultation process.

How does the 2015 curriculum compare to the original 2010 version?

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