What Did the Terrorists Do to These Children to Make This Fake Film

Originally posted on Friends of Syria:
On closer inspection of the films that are flooding the internet of a chemical attack we have come to the conclusion these films are fake. It is not sure if the terrorists have used Sarin on these children, but the film leaves more questions than answers, as we are…

Από τη συνέλευση της ΕΛΜΕ Πάτρας στις 20/8.

Originally posted on metaretriever2:
Χτες βράδυ , 20/9/13 , στις 7:30 το απόγευμα έγινε συνέλευση της ΕΛΜΕ Αχαίας στο εργατικό κέντρο της Πάτρας. Πάνω από 700 καθηγητές γέμισαν ασφυκτικά το αμφιθέατρο και το έξω πεζοδρόμιο. Στο προεδρείο καθόταν : α) ο πρόεδρος της ΕΛΜΕ (αυτός που , κατά τα λεγόμενά του , ξεγελάστηκε το Μάη…

Internet: wer spielt hier mit mir?!

Originally posted on WiPoKuLi:
Eilmeldung: seit heute, Samstag, 24. August, zeigt ixquick wieder normal an! Vor kurzem bin ich auf Anraten auf die erklärtermaßen sichere Suchmaschine ixquick umgestiegen. Das lief auch alles prima. Seit heute stelle ich aber Merkwürdiges fest: gebe ich „Wipokuli“ ein, den Namen meines Internet-Blogs, dann kommt ein merkwürdig kurzes Suchergebnis, das…

China urges UN team in Syria to fully consult with Syrian government

Beijing, (SANA)_China urged the UN chemical weapons inspection team currently visting Syria to fully consult with the Syrian government and maintain an objective stance when probing an alleged use of chemical weapons in Damascus countryside Wednesday. Reuters quoted the Chinese Foreign Ministry as saying in a statement Thursday that ”the UN chemical weapons team in…

Russian Diplomat: armed terrorist groups responsible for criminal act in Ghouta to escalate situation

Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
Russian Diplomat: armed terrorist groups responsible for criminal act in Ghouta to escalate situation August 22, 2013 – Beirut, (SANA) – The Russian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Zasypkin, on Thursday stressed that the armed terrorist groups are responsible for the criminal act in al-Ghouta in Damascus Countryside…